Commanding Officer – Captain Robbie Nauffts
Captain Robbie Nauffts joined the cadet program in 2016 and was previously an Air Cadet. Captain Nauffts was born in Eastern Passage, Nova Scotia where he spent most of his adult life before meeting his wife and moving to Alberta. He has four kids, all under the age of 10, and enjoys camping, traveling, and experiencing the outdoors with his family. He also coaches kid’s hockey in Gleichen and builds scale models when he has free time. When it exists. Captain Nauffts is very passionate about the cadet program and his favorite things to teach at the unit is leadership and instructional technique.”

Administration Officer – Capt. Libby has been involved with the cadet program since she was 12 years old. She joined the CIC in 1998 and has worked with many units and several summer training centers over the years. She has a strong interest in the outdoors and hands-on training. She is married to Capt. Aaron Libby, CD (Retired), has 2 daughters and is a teacher in her civilian life.

Training Officer – Lieutenant Mitchel Irving
Lt Irving joined Air Cadets at the age of 12 and graduated from the program with his Glider and Power wings. Lt Irving spent 3 summers instructing cadets on the cadet glider in Comox, BC. He then went on to a 20-carrier flying 6500 on a variety of commercial aircraft. Lt Irving is married to Katie, and they share a beautiful young daughter born in March 2022. Today he is a licensed realtor.

Ocdt Chantelle Callan is in charge of the uniforms for cadets. If you need new equipment or sizes please see her.
UCCMA/Instructor – 2Lt Jody Weyman
I love airplanes…the end.
Instructor – CV Mary Hornback